15 February 2022
Self-storage spaces come with plenty of advantages for individuals, and they're helpful for a range of purposes. However, self-storage units can also benefit small business owners. If you run a relatively small company or even work out of your home, a self-storage unit may be the perfect solution to streamline your operations. While there's no limit to how you can use a self-storage unit for your business, this article will discuss three typical options for small business owners that need a little more breathing room.
22 October 2021
If you're interested in selling your home and have decided to continue living in it while your house is on the market, you should stage your home to garner interest in prospective buyers. To stage your home, you'll want to remove everything that personalizes the home as yours and keep only the bare minimum in furnishings and decorations. Doing this allows potential buyers to visualize the home as theirs. So how do you stage a home that you'll continue living in?
22 July 2021
When you're moving home or are looking for extra space for storing your batteries and other items, a self-storage unit can be a perfect option to consider. The type of battery you would want to store in your storage unit is the heavy-duty ones used in cars and standby power options when the grid system fails. Since batteries have chemicals that can be hazardous, some storage facilities service providers may not allow storage of batteries in their storage units.
31 March 2021
America produces a lot of tangible items from raw materials, such as vegetables and precious metals, all the way through to fully-manufactured items such as toys, shoes, or electronics. The issue is not with the productivity, but rather with the ability to store all of these items before they find a buyer, or when there is a hold-up in the supply chain. Many of these items will expire and go bad if they are not looked after properly, which is why a commodity storage warehouse partner is so important for any manufacturer or producer.
5 July 2016
Cats and dogs make great pets, but it is always a little sad knowing their lifespan is not as long as humans. Having a loved family member pass away is never easy, so a lengthy mourning period is more than understandable. You might not feel comfortable with getting another cat right away, but you may not want to have everything of theirs inside the house while you cope with them not being around anymore.
18 June 2016
If you own a boat and don't live somewhere that is warm all year round, you likely need to store it over the winter. This can be difficult because you have to find a way to transport it to a storage facility and get it ready to be stored. Here are some tips to make sure that, when you retrieve your boat, that it is in as good of condition as possible.
1 June 2016
If you are going on a trip for long period of time, you might need to utilize a storage facility in order to keep household items safe. Since you won't be down the street from your things, certain safety precautions should be taken into account. Here are four self storage safety tips to help keep your storage items safe while you are out of the country. 1. Back up Emergency Contact